Like most graduates, we unknowingly found ourselves having succumbed to falling short of the ‘student dream’ of designing and constructing internationally recognized luxury architecture, fresh out of the lecture halls. Little did we know that welcoming an abundance of lower budgeted minor construction projects would provide such a powerful foundation for future development. We have since (individually & for the better of 5 years) been afforded the opportunity to develop & document beautiful luxurious architecture, being employed in fortunate positions at our respective Architectural firms in Cape Town,

Not only does this equip us to demonstrate the logic to this skill-set, it has also geared us to understand how to achieve larger by funding less – especially for projects with a brief for elegant features, yet possessing smaller budgets.

Our concept and purpose in the field is not to compete with the surrounding players – If anything, 2020 has demonstrated to us that assisting others where possible can be plenty more rewarding when executed with the correct intentions. We believe in a process which will develop an outstanding result. We aspire to not chase a result – rather, our process will ensure spectacular results.

Collab justifies both it’s name and concept by possessing several brother/sister Architectural, construction & sub-contracting businesses. Together we are able to collab voluntarily amongst each other (within our network) to mange project magnitudes & volumes, without refraining an attempt to assist our clients, who always remain our highest priority in all facets of business & architecture.


We have the tools to develop a great idea to a beautiful physical result all under one roof. Our services offered:

  • Architectural & Interior Design
  • Furniture & joinery design
  • Local authority/council submission drawings
  • Construction drawings and detailing
  • 3D drafting and rendering
  • Construction materiality consulting
  • Construction management
  • Construction

We have humbled ourselves to accept projects of all sizes – from your dream luxury home to simply just your boundary wall. At the very least, we offer a consulting service to simply provide advice on a potential project before you purchase that next property or decide on where/how to change your current one.